a crowd of folks at a previous ConCentric. The photo is blurred.


Spread the word

ConCentric Games is a weekend of tabletop gaming in a social, family-friendly environment. First run in 2012, it's held once a year in Adelaide, South Australia. Boardgames, RPGs, Card games… all are welcome!

Run by gamers, for gamers – ConCentric is your local tabletop convention. Are you looking forward to catching up with our community of friends for a dedicated weekend of fun? We certainly are, and we're keen to meet all of the new folks who found the hobby since the last time.

Get your tickets. Tell your friends #ConCentric2024
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Bring and Buy table


Yes, we know you've been waiting for it… There will be a Bring & Buy table at ConCentric2024!

Register as a seller now.

a d20 and mechanical pencil rest on character sheets


RPG Player Signups Are Live

The intrepid GMs have been at it again! There's a great range of games lined up. We're scheduling in Warhorn again this year. You can head there now and sign up for a game or 2… make that 3.

Panda Playtest Pavilion


Game Design sessions are a mainstay at ConCentric. If you have an interest in tabletop game design, we'd love for you to join us.

This year we have special guest Martin Wallace joining us with pre-release games and latest designs, as well as new Australian publisher Delta Phase Games. Stay tuned for an update on the Panda Playtest Pavilion!

The TGDA have kindly added a #concentric channel to their discord server for our game design track chat.

Our Sponsors

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The best way to keep up with everything #ConCentric2024 is to join our mailing list.